Orders of 3 or more items get 20% OFF!

Orders of 3 or more items get 20% OFF!


“nourrir” (v) to nourish, to feed


Welcome to an evolutionary range of haircare and scalp care products that harness the power of Prebiotics and Probiotics to boost hair growth, reduce breakage and hair fall. Acting as skincare for your hair, helping protect from pollution, reduce itchiness and irritation, moisturise and reduce the signs of ageing.

The scalp is the final frontier of skin care and a healthy scalp is vital to healthy hair. Yet it is often overlooked when it comes to our daily hair care regimen. By feeding the scalp’s microbiome, balancing its pH and feeding the roots we can create an ideal environment for growing strong, healthy hair that doesn’t break. From hair loss to build up, from pollution damage to scalp irritation our products are formulated to feed the roots and nourish the scalp.

For years we’ve been happy to moisturise our faces and bodies in the morning and at night and leave products on to work their magic, but rarely do we give our hair the same love. We wash it, we style it, we colour it, we expose it to the elements and when it gets damaged, we treat it, then repeat.

There is a better way.

Nourrir offers better scalp care through Prebiotics, Probiotic, skincare ingredients & specialist scalp care ingredients that forms part of your regular hair care regime, smells fantastic and make sure your hair always looks its best.

